


Operation Procedure

We recommend to download and use the latest printer driver from the website instead of using the printer driver in the CD-ROM bundled in the MFP product package.

1. Select the product name and Country/Region of the printer driver to be installed.

Input the product name and Country/Region on the driver download webpage.

Next, select your language of Drivers/Software and click [NEXT].

2. Select Operation System

The OS of your computer will be automatically determined, so click [Next].

*If you want to select another OS, click [Select another OS].

3. Select a printer driver

A list of drivers will be displayed, so click on the printer driver.

◎ If multiple printer drivers appear in the list.

select the driver according to your use environment.

4. Click the [Download] button and click the [Run] button on the opened window.

According to your PC environment, sometime the file is automatically saved without opening a window. In that case, display the saved folder and double-click the file.

An Installation requires an administrator authority.

  • - Right-click the stored file and click [Run as an administrator] on the displayed menu and execute the installation.
  • - Type in the Admin Password if necessary.

5. Select Where to Save the File.

Check where to save the file then click the [Next] button.

6. Select How to Install.

Click the [Advanced installation] icon.

When "Select a type of installation." screen appears.

When [Add a new Sharp printer] icon is clicked, the screen transitions to above installation way selection screen.

This screen is displayed when a MFP using the same printer driver is registered as a printer or a previous version of the printer driver is installed.

7. Select the Machine.

Check the box next to the MFP you use and click the [Next] button.

* The printer drivers for MFPs shown on this screen can be installed together.

Convenient function - Install the printer drivers for multiple MFPs at one time.

When only one MFP is detected.

  • This screen is not displayed, and instead No. 6 screen is displayed.

If no MFP(s) detected.

8. Check the MFP to Install and Start Copying Files.

Check the displayed information and click the [Next] button to start file-copying process.

* Do not remove the check for "Run the Auto configuration".

When a security warning window pops up.

  • There is no problem with the printer driver so please click a button to continue the installation.

9. Print Test Page and Check Whether the Printer Driver is Successfully Installed.

Once the completion screen for the installation is displayed, click the [Print test page] button and check whether the test page is printed.

10. Select the Printer Driver Set as the Default Driver.

Select the default printer driver.

What is the default printer?

  • - Set the printer usually used as the [default printer].
  • - Select [Don't change] when you do not want to change the current [default printer].
  • - The printer can be changed to another printer when printing.

11. Finish the Driver Installation.

Click the [Finish] button.

When a message is displayed to prompt the user to restart the PC.

  • Click the [Yes] button and restart your PC.

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